God is funny you know: He speaks on every subject you can think of in His Word.
For Example:
1)He spoke about Insurance---Where is the first mention of insurance in the Bible?
When Adam and Eve needed more coverage.
2)He was the first Map Quest---How to get to Heaven?
Go right…stay straight!
3)He has a favorite car---Honda,
because all the Apostles were in one Accord!
4)He recommended Chiropractic Care… How do we know that Job went to a chiropractor?
Because Job16:12, 14, 16 says, "I had come to be at ease, but he proceeded to shake me up: and he grabbed me by the back of the neck and proceeded to smash me."
SEE: GOD HAS AN OPINION ABOUT EVERYTHING! If He didn't say it...it just "ain't" so!
Spend time giggling with someone you love today.
God has an opinion on everything! We often get stuck arguing religion, politics, science, health care, marriage and sex using our best Philosophy-legalese or CHRISTIANESE and forget…Ultimately the only opinion that counts is GOD’S!
Scripture is the final authority on right or wrong, good and evil, heaven or hell and any other topic we may argue about.
If I say it…check my word against scripture.
If your pastor teaches it…check his words against scripture.
If a small group leader gives an opinion…check it against scripture.
If a new age “free thinker” gives you an opinion…check it against scripture.
If you just FEEL something is right…check it against scripture.
Just Thinkin',
Sharing stories, devotions, humor, and wisdom for your journey. Our mission at A Gentle Answer Ministries is to encourage readers to seek God and apply the truth and wisdom found in the Bible to their everyday lives. Invite someone to join us today.
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A Gentle Answer Ministries (Proverbs 15:1)
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