You know that ever popular commercial "What's in your wallet?"? Well Ladies, "What's in your purse?" We carry in our purses what we value; what we hold dear. Maybe some of you have pictures of your children, maybe you have personal identification, maybe you have an unlimited American Express Gold Card (may I borrow that?). We keep our purses near to us. We protect them. We rarely let someone else dig around in them. So what's in your spiritual purse? Do you carry make up to put on a good face? Do you have a fake id to go where you shouldn't? Do your charges on the mental card put you in low self esteem debt? What if you saw yourself as valuable to God? What if you were sealed, stamped, with an permanent marker that would allow you to always know your worth? In Christ, you have this. Praise God when you receive that saving Grace of Jesus Christ as Lord you are now permanently valuable and unmistakably a Child of God! No more fake more bad emotional more need for cover are beautiful to HIM. If you are a child of God remember that and live it out.
Just Thinkin'
Story by A Gentle Answer Ministries ©
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A Gentle Answer Ministries (Proverbs 15:1)
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