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Thursday, August 18, 2011
I usually try to be encouraging. However, I must tell you I have heard many people this week talk about NOT GIVING UP...Never quit...DON'T STOP...on a variety of messages on ministries via radio...fb...twitter...our ministry too...then I realized I was part of committing a disservice to those reading or listening...(as well as abusing this etc. "ellipsis" ...thingy)
So...let me amend...
You... smoke, bite your nails, bicker, complain, argue over stupid minutia, go to the left or the right when GOD says NO, gossip, spit on sidewalks, pick your nose, floss in public, or try to eat grilled chicken with a spork!
Psalms 34:14 Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
I'm sure there are me out! Just don't STOP Believing!
And have a wonderful weekend.
We have had others add:
~Stop putting 22 pillows on the bed, 2 is enough.
~Over age 30 and shopping in Juniors department...QUIT THAT!
~Sing outloud, off key, and saying I can't get that out of my did!
~Talking with your mouth full
~pretending unless you are in a movie or stage real!
~Abusing that etc. "ellipsis" ... thingy (OUCH) Stop it!
Just Thinkin',
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