Today my youngest was home from school with a bug...well not a spider or an ant a flu like bug! Winter has tried to sneak in early and my son was trying to get warm from waking up in a one hundred year old house. Just as he was waking,the dryer buzzed and I grabbed a "hot out of the dryer" hoody and ran upstairs with it warming my hands along the way. As I reached his room I said, "Close your eyes and lift your hands!" And without questioning me he did just that! I slipped the warm sweat shirt over his little head and down his raised arms and a sweet little sigh of comfort and gratitude filled the room. When his head popped out of the hood opening the most grateful face was there to smile at me. Do we allow God to do this for us: Trust God enough to close our eyes, lift our hands in praise to the one who cares and provides for us at just the right time? Remember that the creator of the universe knows when you have a bug, or a need, or are just lonely or sad. Here's hoping today you will feel the warmth as you are surrounded by the truth that Christ Died for you, God loves you, and if you accept that in your heart HE is with you.
The Bible says, "If you confess with you mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you Will be saved." Don't you think if He thought you were worth dying for He would want to hear from you now and again? Lift your hands friends...warmth is on the way!
Hot cocoa anyone?
Just Thinkin"
Story From A Gentle Answer Ministries ©
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A Gentle Answer Ministries (Proverbs 15:1)
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