As the mother of four chldren, I found it possible to allow my children to help me in such a way that helped them feel part of our household as they were growing and learning. I would often ask a cranky or sleepy 4 year old if they would like a Nap or to help me with the dishes. The idea of sleeping and missing out on any activity was simply unthinkable to most of my children. H-m-m-m-m...go take a nap or play in the water in the kitchen with Mommy??? I usually had a handy little dish dryer waiting to avoid the much dreaded NAP!! NOW...Fast forward to this afternoon, Sunday, and me asking my seventeen year old son...NAP...OR HELP WITH THE DISHES? Without even answering, I think I actually saw smoke fly from the bottom of his shoes as he ran to the couch to assume the Napping position.
I think I do this spiritually from time to time with GOD. When I was a new Christian I could not wait to be part of the activity of the Body of Christ. I did not want to miss anything. Staying away from service, or classes or fellowship was unthinkable to me. I still love the Church and the privilege to worship and fellowship with other believers, however sometimes I feel spiritually lazy. I want to run to the sofa and hide from the work involved in being a believer in The Body Of Christ. It is hard to love other people unconditionally. It is exhausting trying to take every decision I make to the foot of the cross to see if it fits who I am as a Christian. It is difficult to notice the needs of others and offer to help when I feel tired and under equipped. Sometimes I don't even have the resources my own family needs, how will I give to others? When I am walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit of God it is so easy to justify my lack of effort to serve. How about you?
When the work (service) points to ourselves as individuals we seem to jump at the chance to serve. So why is it hard to quietly step into service that may go unnoticed by others, or seem insignificant in the overall scheme of "CHURCH" things? Why is it so hard to fill the nursery workers positions but the choir loft seems plenty full? Don't misquote me here, I LOVE THOSE WHO SERVE IN THE CHOIR. But surely someone in the churches across our country can help in the nursery or clean up after church functions. Stacking chairs is a beautiful ministry!!!
I am reminded of Henny Penny and her not so loyal friends: "Who will help me bake the bread?", she would ask. "Not I!", said everyone she asked.
But the response was so different when it came time to eat wasn't it?
I used to read this story to my children and we would discuss the value of helping each other and enjoying the end product. GUESS WHAT?
My children bought me a bread machine for Christmas! So I guess, they will help me bake the bread...and enjoy eating it too!
Whether you feel called to simply help in your own family more or serve in the Body Of Christ, join me in seeing if there has been an area of your life you are napping right through.
I better go do the dishes.
Just Thinkin'
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