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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yellow Rose Bush

Yes...please look at it again. a yellow rose bush. I know it is because it still had a few yellow blooms left when we moved here in 2004. Richard loved them...He's from Texas ya know!
No I am not color blind. Yes this photo is a picture of a beautiful spring bloom of Red Roses taken today...April 2010. Yes it is the same exact bush!

I love this rose bush and look forward to seeing what she will do each spring.
Moving to this almost hundred year old home in the fall of 2004 was very tough on our family. We were leaving a wonderful home, neighbors we loved , a church family that inspired us and Richard had just planted a wonderful garden for my birthday as a surprise. But God called us to another His own way. Through job loss.

The month we moved into our home here I was recovering from a prolonged illness. I actually was released from the hospital the morning we were moving so I could help make sure our belongings got on to the moving van in one piece. Well, two months after moving here I still felt puny even though I should have been recovering. Nausea, fatigue and dehydration sent me to the Doc. again. Well I was not getting better...or worse...I was simply expecting our fifth child!!!

The kids were excited, Richard was down right giggly and I was a bit in shock.
A couple months went by and we had plans to go to New Mexico to snow-ski for Christmas.

So still fighting some morning, okay...all day long sickness, we started the drive from Oklahoma to New Mexico.
What beautiful country! We landed in Santa Fe for a night...or so we thought.

As we were checking into our rooms for the evening, I began to feel very weak. I went to bed to rest while our extended family and my crew went to find a good meal.

During the night, I began having some complications and Richard took me to the hospital not too far from our hotel.

I was certain I was a little dehydrated and would be getting some go juice I V style and then be on our way.

As we waited for the second of three Doctors to come check on the baby and myself, Richard and I sat in silence...with an occasional smile. You know the one...the "I'm scared are you but I love you smile".

After an ultrasound we were led back to a room and a precious Doctor with a broken heart told us our little Jesse Lee did not have a heart beat any longer. My body had not recovered enough from my illness to support this child.
He told us to go home (to the hotel) and within a few days I would probably miscarry.

The numbness is so all encompassing. The grief instant. The sadness LOUD. The hope...still there. "Maybe they are wrong!" I said several times to Richard.
"I'm so sorry" and "What did I do?" were about the only things I could say for the next few hours. I could not eat...the only thing I could taste were my salty tears.
And the next day, Dec. 23, 2004,when Richard had gone to get the children some food... in that hotel with my daughter near me, I did lose our preborn child.

I never totally understood in 2 Samuel chapter 12 King David's behavior when his child was born and then died...until we lost this child.

We struggle sometimes with when to mourn and when to go on with life. For reasons Richard or I will never know fully on this side of heaven we did not get to see this baby live. But we had four beautiful, healthy children...full of life... next door in another room...waiting to see how we would handle our loss.

We packed up the vehicles and drove on to Red River. What beauty we experienced on that drive that day. The beauty of love inside the car and the beauty of the new powder of snow that had just fallen on the mountain.

We spent Christmas Eve with my mom and dad in a beautiful spot at the foot of the slopes and we ALL...went snow skiing Christmas morning. My thoughts were with my living children that day, even though my heart was on things of heaven.

The next morning while we were preparing to go back on the slope...the news of the Tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004 filled the quiet of our mountain loft. How quickly the thoughts of our small area of sadness on this planet were put into perspective.

One day friends, one day and very more more.

I have a hope...Do you? One day I will, by God's grace and His promise, meet my child in heaven.
I hope you're there so I may introduce you.
One day we will not cry over the morning news and the loss of our fellow man.
One day we will have the chance to worship the person.
Do you know Jesus? I'd like you to meet Him...on the pages of scripture. Best book I've ever read...and still study.

So why, you ask, did I call this story Yellow Rose Bush? That Yellow rose bush died in winter of 2004. We cut it back almost to the ground and thought when spring came around we would dig it up and plant something else.
Well, sporting events, PTA, work, Church, life in general...we forgot to dig it up.

It just stayed dead near the porch.
In the spring of 2007 after not a thought about that bush...I was cleaning around the yard waiting for one of my college kids to come home for break. I ran out briefly to the store for... well who knows for what... something garden related, and as I pulled into the driveway...along the side of my house climbing up the porch...was this yellow rose bush....only now there were 5 RED ROSE BLOOMS open and many buds waiting to spring open.
I was numb. Again, I said yellow rose roses. Okay, yes my daughter happened to be in a botany class at the time and yes I know it is possible for a plant to take on the nutritional elements in the soil and change if it has been part of a graft...You and Carl Sagan can go discuss the science of this...
I DON'T Care! That beautiful moment of seeing the life in that plant with the deeply rich color of crimson with only 5 blooms...was for me...a God moment reminding me of my 5 children. Life is eternal.

I will always love that Yellow Rose Bush for what it has become...not what it used to be.

I hope God sees me that way too.

In Christ,

Just Thinkin',


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Prayers for Poland...Today's Thoughts

We are blessed to have other guest blog from time to time. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know Brent McCoy and Janelle at reading their blogs.
Today thanks goes to HIServant Ministries for posting.
Click on Prayers for Poland to read the post...then come back and listen to Casting Crowns.

Is God at the Helm of our Life? Then we are the Body.

Just Thinkin',


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thoughts...On Random Thoughts...On FACEBOOK and BLOGS many ways to connect. Why do we do this?

Thoughts.....On Random Thoughts...On FACEBOOK!
My thoughts about Facebook:

~Do you ever feel like no one ever reads your heartfelt posts? Or worse, you can't retrieve a random, usually regretful, post that too many have seen...albeit stalker style facebook viewers that won't leave a comment?

Facebook is... The Social Networking Vehicle...that you just might be driving all alone on a deserted road in the rain....or in heavy traffic. The trouble is, there is not traffic forecast for you to consult or facebook gps to guide you before you take your Facebook for a spin. You can easily be caught off guard by a reckless facebook "driver" too! Ouch! People feel so free to slam into your innocent posts...even with no insurance!

Thought from Ayn Rand...
"It is not advisable (James) to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged

My battle over whether or not to hate or love facebook for all it is worth, comes from the fact that so many of the people I love and cherish are on here. I find it a necessity with what I have been called to do in my life as a mother, friend and Speaker to be on FACEBOOK. But I also find it bizarre that this has a hold over so many people (me included from time to time)!

It seems addictive to some I've talked to. One friend confessed to driving faster to get home from the store after remembering she needed to fertilize her crops! You, know what I am talking about if you also have ever accepted a gift from anywhere that has "VILLE" immediately following the offer!

I have learned, as a very middle aged...okay old chick to " LOL" and " LM_O" (which I never do because I am not the potty mouth)...well not on purpose anyway and "TTYL" to some of my "BFF's"!
I have written sad things, mad things, big stuff, little stuff. I have read about loss of love, loss of life, loss of health...loss of mind! I have cried, shared, dared and down right "GUFFAWED" and I am not the guffawing kinda girl. I have misspelled, misspoke, missed the point and missed dinner...all while on FACEBOOK. I have disagreed, shot the breeze and dropped to my knees in Prayer...all because of FACEBOOK! I have had people on my profile, overreact, under-react, never react and backtrack....all because of FACEBOOK!

I've met people at speaking events who then friend request me on Facebook. I've reconnected with High School friends, been friended by the famous and the quietly shy and relatively unknown...all on Facebook. I've had one person hide me from their page (yes I know who you are because I was on when you magically disappeared) and this hurt my feelings...all because of FACEBOOK!

So...why all the fuss? Because, as I read a few of the posts from my friends...friends of my friends and apparently friends of friends I did not even know...I realized we all just want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We want our thoughts to count and we want to be counted. We want to feel as though someone thinks about us as well. We want that connection. We crave connection.

So...all the fuss is about being part of each other's lives.
As a Christian, I am thrilled to be a part of the body of Christ. And just like I have choices on how much I participate on FACEBOOK, I can or can't go worship with people I may or may not like on Sunday or even on Saturday in a building that may or may not have nice carpet and songs I like or dislike! But I have been invited. And so have you! The God of the Universe FRIEND REQUESTED ME! I ACCEPTED!
YOU? I would love to see you someday on our MUTUAL FRIENDS LIST!

So to those of you who chose to stick around and read this post...Thank you for letting me know by the click of a LIKE button or a comment left behind that the rapture did not come while I was thinking these Random thoughts and I was left behind...ALL BECAUSE OF FACEBOOK!

If you are not a blog stalker or closet facebook gawker...oh what the heck....all of you reading this leave some indication that there is life out there in randomVILLE and show you care enough about me just even at this show signs of life on my FACEBOOK PAGE! If you have never clicked the like button because you just's time to get in the game. YOU CAN DO IT! I won't make you fill out a 3 x 5 card at the front and no one will comment back on your doorstep on Monday during your dinner! JUST GIVE ME SOME SIGN THAT I AM NOT ALONE.....On FACEBOOK! And by all odds, shouldn't Kevin Bacon be on my twitter follow list by now? COME ON ...follow us on twitter @agentleanswer and let's stay connected.




Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Gentle Answer Ministries Christian Blog

A Gentle Answer Ministries Christian Blog

DOUBT by Brent McCoy

This post is from our friend Brent McCoy who is the assistant Youth Pastor at FBC Ponca and host of The Morning Show at
Click on the title of this post to go to his website.
Thought provoking. You'll want to visit his blog again. Also check Brent and the lovely Janelle out (well that sounds just wrong but you know what I mean) on The McCoy in the Morning Show weekdays at

Just Thinkin',


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Church Bulletins...Oops!

I guess Church Budgets don't allow for copy editing....Share

Actual notices in church bulletins:

*Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 pm-prayer and medication to follow.

*The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

*Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.

*A songfest was hell at the Methodist church Wednesday.

*Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

*Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will be speaking tonight at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine. Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.

* Announcement in the church bulletin for a National PRAYER & FASTING conference: "The cost for attending the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals."

* "Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands."

*The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.


*Tonight the Church will be holding a Baptismal Services. North and South doors will be open at 6:00.
Children will be baptized at both ends. :)

Happy Easter... NO BLOOPERS ON THAT....HE IS THE LIVING GOD...Go to a Church that preaches He has risen tomorrow and Praise Him!!!



Thursday, April 1, 2010



Hey friends,

This is a precious week to those of us who claim Christ as Lord and Savior. Regardless of your opinion of who Christ is, the sentence below from 2nd Timothy should make you want to find out just what the bible claims about Him. It boggles the mind that some people argue about the bible without ever having studied what it REALLY says.

If you are on this ministry site, it is because we care about each other so, for me, would you check this out?

...the appearing of Jesus Christ our Savior who, [he says,] abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. {2 Tim 1:10b RSV}

Timothy was in prison and knew he would die soon. He had nothing to gain by saying this. "ABOLISHED DEATH"...What? People still die right? So what does this mean?

...that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage. {Heb 2:14b-15 RSV}

Don't let the fear of death keep you in a mental prison.

T. S. Eliot put it best when he said,

"It is not what we call death that we fear, but what, beyond death is not death. That we fear, we fear."

Fear of the unknown? God has made Himself KNOWN through Jesus Christ. I am not afraid...I know HIM!!! "Kathy, how can you KNOW HIM?" you ask. He is on every page of scripture.

John 14:9
Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?

Yes...even Christians can fear death....but when we remember the cross...we have nothing to fear. It has been handled. Jesus said, " IT IS FINISHED!!!!"

I don't cherish the idea of the process of death of this body, but I am not afraid of eternity with God. What an adventure is ahead! I hope you accept your invitation to the party!

Got a few minutes? You know you are going to waste that much time on facebook or tv not take a look at these few scriptures and see what you think.

"I don't have a bible", you say. So get on and look this up! No is so cool!

You has been my experience that someone HONESTLY seeking truth will find it and someone HONESTLY looking to justify their own actions and excuses not to give up their comfortable version
of "truth"...Won't find it (truth). It's hard to find something you don't seek!!!

I love you, more importantly God loves you enough to want a relationship with you. The bible tells us the ONLY way to have salvation, heaven and eternity with Almighty God is through the acceptance of Jesus as your personal savior. If you are breathing right have sinned. If you have sinned you have separated yourself from God. You need a savior.

No other way. Sorry....NO OTHER WAY! No other name under heaven by which you may be saved.
Acts 4:12
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

I hope you seek the will find it!

Just Thinkin',


Hmmmm~ Worth reading.
2 Timothy
Hebrews 2
Acts (come on... you can handle the whole book)


A Gentle Answer Ministries (Proverbs 15:1)

A Gentle Answer Ministries (Proverbs 15:1)
Learn more about inviting Kathy (Founder of A G A Ministries) to speak to your team, company, or next event.