Where do you tell people about your savior Jesus? When do you tell people about Jesus?
I love the teachings and writings of G. Campbell Morgan. One of his famous quotes makes us remember when GOD says go...go! When GOD says speak...speak! If he says step out on the water...step!
The quote is:
"The Spirit witnessing in me, I become the instrument through which the Spirit witnesses to the world. Where? Anywhere. When? Everywhen."
Have you allowed God to use you as His instrument through which the Spirit can witness?
No banging people over the head with a bible, no screaming from a sidewalk, but you do have to speak!
Morgan also said...
"God has foreordained the works to which He has called you. He has been ahead of you preparing the place to which you are coming and manipulating all the resources of the universe in order that the work you do may be a part of His whole great and gracious work."
Whether you are willing to just pray for your waitstaff at the restaurant, help a neighbor, be the best boss you can be, be the best employee you can be, be the best spouse you can be, teach a bible class or just be a good witness to your own children...God has something in the works for you to do!
As Christians we are instructed to be a living sacrifice conformed to the likeness of Christ.
Just Thinkin',
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
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